Tuesday, May 19, 2015

QRP CW Contesting and LotW

All of my HF activity is now QRP CW – and almost all of that is in contests. Recently, I began wondering which of the contests/events I enjoy had the highest Logbook of the World QSL rates.

I miss physical QSL cards, but the LotW has been useful for me. At virtually no cost, my DXCC total has gone up by about 70 countries and I qualified for WAS- QRP/CW. Not that LotW is without fault – insert your personal peeve here – but even in the present form, it's better than the current alternatives.

The table below tabulates my event results for all of 2014. I guessed that my 'big' contests like the CW Open and the Texas QSO Party would have a high rate of confirmations.

That was true, but, I was surprised by some of the small events and by the low percentage for the CW Mini-Test at 1900.


(At this writing, my overall LotW QSL percentage for all of my QSOs since my first Novice contact is around 29%)

cln – Nick