Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2012 Flight of the Bumblebees

This year, I returned to the same site as in in 2011 – just a couple of miles to the west of Longhorn Cavern State Park here in Texas.

The location offers good views to the north and west and there are nicely placed live oaks and cedars to support wire antennas. I used a fishing pole and 5 pound-test line to toss a small sinker over the trees. I can't imagine why anyone would want to use anything else – but then I have been fishing for a long time. This year I did it in four casts. But, it usually it takes more...

This view is to the north.

 I hung a 20m dipole E-W and then a 40M half-wave in roughly the same direction. I used a KI6J half-wave tuner to match the 40M antenna.

I did get hot while hanging the wires. It was over 90 when I arrived at 11 and 104F at 4 PM when I quit – not as bad as last year when it was 107 as the FOTBB finished!

I used the K1 and an AME Single Lever Paddle. I had several liters of water, sunscreen and bug repellent. There was a nice breeze most of the time. I sprayed both myself and the ground near me with the DEET bug stuff. Worked great – though the wood ants on the cedar were curious about the K1.

After working 20M for a while, I tried 40M with no luck. I then hooked up the 40M half-wave as a long wire for 15M and used a 20M half-wave as a single radial to see if the K1 could find a match. It did and I made 7 Qs before returning to 20M.

The closest Bumblebee to me was Scott, W5ESE at Pedernales Falls State Park, about 30 miles SSE. I could just barely detect him, and he could barely hear me – but on different bands, so no QSO for us. My closest state worked was New Mexico and best DX was Maine. I made 54 QSOs and worked 26 SPCs.
Here is a photo of Packsaddle Mountain from my FOTBB location. This is the nearest SOTA site to me (W5T/EF-003) and I would love to activate it but access is a problem. So near, and yet so far.
Douglas Adams inspired my Bumblebee number.  I had a great time once again. Thanks to all those who heard me.  Had fun.

WB5BKL – Nick
BB #42

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